Sunday, June 16, 2019

Who Am I? Day 2

Today is a perfect day to describe who I am as a wife. For many of my growing up years I struggled to believe that I would ever get married. But my belief is that I was being held for “the one”.  Mom always said I would marry the first man that I dated. So when I met this guy online and we agreed to go out in a first date, I was nervous. Would he be the one?  Was I pushing fate by signing up for a dating service on line?  Would my daddy despise what I had done or kill me for meeting him online?  We talked during those 10 day leading up to our first date hours everyday. We both went through multiple phone cards (yes still had to use those!). I think we averaged 5+ hours a day. Some days this meant me waking up in the wee hours of the day to talk to him before he left to haul a load of clay or rushing back from a final to not miss his call. You see I was finishing up my last week of classes at SBU. The day of our first date is the day I graduated from college.

It obviously went well as we have been married for over 16 years now. I love this man. Being a wife defines me. I live to make our house a home. I try to be his helpmate doing things that sometimes make me uncomfortable like crossing a big ditch driving the excavator. I strive to help him and love him as he does me.

Being a wife is not always walking on streets of gold. Sometimes it’s avoiding the shards of glass. You see I’m bullheaded and that causes problems sometimes. I was raised a little different than he was. We want some opposing things in life but in the end we walk together side by side and make our path through this forest called life. 

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