Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's been awhile since I posted last and again as usual many things in my life have changed. Some for the better some for the worst but its LIFE that is what normally happens. Let me fill everyone in on the changes first:

  • Hunter continues to grow by leaps and bounds. He is now nine and a half months old and is still the absolute joy of my life. He weighed 23 pounds at his last doctors visit and was 30 1/4 inches long. He is crawling and cruising but hasn't taken off walking yet. I assume it will be anytime but only he knows when for certain. He has struggled with asthma and with bronchitis a couple times this winter but the doctor thinks that he will outgrow both.
  • Bill and I are still happily married. I know surprise surprise, but it has been a rough couple of months especially dealing with the fact that we are still new parents and Hunter has not yet slept through the night so we are both still sleep deprived, although it is getting better it has gone to him waking every 30 to 45 minutes to now sleeping at least 3 hours at a time. Also, things with the business have been rough to say the least. It went from fairly steady before December to Bill being off work for 13 weeks because of weather, to now when we are backed up 5 months. It feels so weird to schedule people for July and August.
  • Bill will be having knee surgery sometime this summer as well. He has torn the meniscus in his right knee and they are recommending that it be fixed as soon as possible because in the position it is in the continually catches and tears further.
  • In October, we moved from where we were living in Louisburg to Lebanon. We are living with my aunt which was a little bit of an adjustment but it has been for the best for all of us.
  • My grandmothers health has declined quite a bit since January. She suffers from congestive heart failure and COPD. She was also diagnosed after her last hospital stay as a diabetic although she has done really well in controlling it with diet. Because of her decline in health and loss of mobility and confidence, my aunt has moved in with Grandma until she can gain some strength back.
  • I am still teaching in Buffalo and will continue there next year. I am still dreaming of taking an administration job somewhere near Lebanon but for the time being I do enjoy my time in Buffalo. I was named department head this year and have had the opportunity to complete some hours and days of administrative experience. I have had two student teachers this year and have enjoyed sharing the knowledge that I have with both of them.
  • Bill, Hunter and I have had the opportunity to reestablish a relationship with Bill's family and are enjoying getting to watch them spend time with Hunter and getting to know them better. Bill's dad has struggled with diabetes which was severe enough that they had to quit dairying.
So these are the changes now lets talk about what needs to change and what I could really use prayers about:
  1. I am still fighting a losing battle with weight loss. I must lose weight in order for Bill and I to be able to have more children.
  2. Our place in Salem is still on the market and hopefully will catch the attention of someone any day now.
  3. I need a place to express my thoughts and feelings. Hopefully I will embrace blogging and this will help with the emotions I seem to struggle more and more with everyday.

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